Join Our Network

Become a Subcontractor

Apply Here to Join Our Team of Fleet Wash Companies throughout the state. If you own an existing pressure washing, mobile detailing, or even a stationary car wash, we want you on our team. We expect you to have the basic necessary equipment to accept contract work from us including: Work-vehicle w/trailer, water tank, pressure washing unit, brushes, fleet-friendly chemicals, sprayer attachment, and a crew that’s ready to work. We want quality subcontractors/partners as we continue to build this network throughout the state which will lead to more work for all!

The next step in the process is a compatibility meeting between our company and yours. We will contact you by phone and email to set up a good time to talk. Then we will make our decision whether to onboard your company on our team and begin our journey from there. Eventually we will request pictures of your washing rig and Certificate of Insurance, so please have those documents.