“Not Responsible for Broken Windshields”

Keeping your vehicles clean and free of loose debris on the highway can not only enhance your company image, but it could save you the grief of costing someone their life or exorbitant repair fees for property damage. Putting up the “Not Responsible for Windshield Damage” does nothing to protect you from this tragic possibility legally nor ethically.

Texas Transportation Code Sec. 725.022.

(a) Loose material that is spilled because of loading on a vehicle part that does not carry the load shall be removed before the vehicle is operated on a public highway.

(b) After the vehicle is unloaded and before the vehicle is operated on a public highway, residue of transported loose material on a vehicle part that does not carry the load shall be removed from the vehicle part.

It’s a busy commuter’s headache dealing with a cracked, chipped, or shattered windshield or paint job while just trying to get to work and make a living; and as mentioned before, this could end fatally for those involved. It is the trucking company’s responsibility to ensure that this disastrous hazard gets reduced with proper practices. Being proactive in this regard will alleviate future headaches that could potentially cripple your companies assets with legal and social battles that could span for years at a time. Let’s also look at the issue of your employee/driver being chased down by the victim, or worse Highway Patrol while trying to deliver a load. This will most likely lead to more violations and a heap of inconveniences that could’ve been avoided by having a regular wash service.

Schedule a regular service with TEXAS FLEET WASH today!


First Impressions Last


Clean Vehicles = Happy Employees