First Impressions Last

How many times do we get to make a first impression?
ONE, just one. Millions of cars on the highway each day and with the thousands of logos passing alongside your company vehicle, they only get a few seconds to meet your brand. These interactions can go a few ways; They are impressed, they are repulsed, or they didn’t notice you!

Some company vehicles are so caked in dirt and grime from their everyday work that they miss the chance to gain new eyes and the potential for new customers. What’s the point of a having your contact info or a cool company logo, if it’s indecipherable to the person who’s stuck behind or on side of you in traffic, at the gas station, at the red light, or even in your own company parking lot? It’s time take a proactive approach in furthering your brand by ensuring that your shine will stand out in a crowd.

The maintenance on our vehicles has always been likened to the maintenance we do on our bodies. Regular checkups on our internal and external parts is a necessity for an efficient and effective image in the world we live in. Giving your vehicle a shower should be a key element in maintaining the upkeep of of your company’s external hygiene. The implications of a dirty exterior lead an outside viewer to assume that the internal image isn’t any different.

Scheduling a regular wash service for your vehicles and showing off that shiny brand image to the world will only provide good things to your business. In retrospect, you’ll realize it actually brings in more business and positive client interactions; it’ll cost you more not to keep up with this service. Schedule a regular wash service with TEXAS FLEET WASH today!


“Not Responsible for Broken Windshields”